Privacy Statement
We, Student Housing Kortrijk, want to protect the privacy and the personal data of our students and other visitors of our website. Therefore we comply with the European privacy regulations ‘GDPR’ (General Data Protection Regulation), and explain our policy in this Privacy Statement.
This Privacy Statement applies only for this site. We cannot be responsible for the content or the privacy policy of other sites who have a link on our site. Be aware that all links to the sites of other organizations, entities or companies, like universities, cities, services or social media mentioned on this site, means that these sites have their own privacy policy and have different privacy statements.
We, Student Housing Kortrijk, primarily collect personal information through the contact form on this site. This personal information contains your name, email address and the information you give in your message. By filling in the contact form you show your interest in our services and allows us to communicate with you by email and give you all the necessary information and proposals about rental options for student accommodation.
Only when you want to commit to one of our proposed options, we will process extra personal data for the purpose of a rental agreement. This personal information will be asked and obtained by email and contains your name, home address, email address, mobile phone number, the university or company in Kortrijk you will be attending to, and the subject or discipline for which you are registered.
We only use your personal information for the purposes that are mentioned above, nor do we give or sell your personal data to others. We take all reasonable measures to keep your data protected, online and off-line. Amongst them, is the use of cookies or similar technologies on our site limited. We use cookies and similar technologies to analyze the performance and functionality of our website, and not for commercial or marketing purpose.
Your data will be stored till they are no longer useful for the purposes mentioned above. That is 5 years after finishing the rental agreement or 2 years after last contact in case of an informational contact.